Now Available in USA
We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology We are pioneers of Innovative DTF Films in India Eco-friendly water-based coating technology



1. Questions for First Time Users:

Answer: Ultranex Transfer Release Film is normally used for printing Heat Transfer Labels for Garment e.g. Neck labels, Tag less Labels, Litho transfer labels etc… but it cannot be limited with only one application and can be used for other Heat Transfer or Transfer Application.

Answer: Transfer Release film are also addressed as,

  • Heat Transfer release Film,
  • PET heat transfer release film,
  • Garment Heat Transfer Printing Film,
  • PET film for heat transfers,
  • Litho Transfer Release Film.
  • PET Film for Transfer Printing

Answer: Yes, It can be used for Heat Transfer on Rubber, Release liner for aggressive adhesives & Please Contact Us to check if our film can be suitable for your application.

Answer: Oil Based inks (Plastisol inks), Solvent Based inks, Water Based inks PU & Acrylic based resins with or without fixer, Silicone Inks etc… are compatible with our various grades of film (please refer the Compatibility Matrix on our website.)

Answer: Screen printing methods like Manual, Semi Automatic, Automatic & Roll to Roll, Digital: Eco-solvent Inkjet printing, Laser toner printing etc… have compatibility with Ultranex PET transfer release film.

Answer: Please refer Product Compatibility Matrix or Contact Us for more details.

Answer: Yes, Multicolor design can be printed on Ultranex Transfer Release Film with below Process:

  • Screen Printing: Each color is printed one after another with separate screens & finally a printable backup adhesive is printed + Powder Adhesive is scattered to stick on adhesive which will overlay all the colors.
  • Litho Offset Printing: Color image is printed on an Offset Printing Machine in REVERSE format with special Litho Transfer Inks available in market. Further Backup white Ink is printed overlaying the offset printed image with screen printing process + Powder Adhesive 100-200µ is scattered to stick on backup white ink.
  • Backup white Ink will absorb all the offset printed color + Adhesive Powder will act as tie layer in transfers between Backup White and garment.1
  • Backup White Ink tips: Oil Based White ink or (Water Based inks) + (PU or Co polyester Powder Adhesive) Particle size 0-80µ can be added in it approx 20% to 30% W/W to total white ink.

Multicolor Transfers with Eco Solvent Printers: Ultranex transfer release film is also supplied in roll form, these rolls can be printed with Eco solvent printer with Pigment inks with desired design. (E.G. Epson S40670 Printer and Ultra chrome GS3 Inks.) Further this roll is cut in to sheets.

With screen printing process on a screen mesh 34T an overlay design is made and printed on the color design with backup white color + Powder adhesive particle size 100-200µ is scattered on the wet screen printed image.

Make sure Litho Backup white ink is overlaying the design to cover the design properly.

Backup White Ink will absorb all the ink of Eco Solvent printer image + Adhesive Powder will act as tie layer in transfers between backup white and garment.

Transfers with Laser Printers: Ultranex transfer release film can be printed with laser printer but a compatible laser toner powder needs to be chosen which will not fade out in transfers. (Laser toner powder should be a polyester based powder.)

Further Back-up white can be done as done for above Eco Solvent prints.

Answer: Yes, please Contact Us for latest test Report.

Answer: Yes, Ultranex can be supplied in desired sizes, Film thickness & also both side coating is possible but client has to suffice our minimum order quantity criteria which can be only given once we have exact inquiry for the product specification required.

2. FAQ While Printing Ultranex Transfer Release film:


  • Identification like Manufacturing date, Product code, & lot number are printed on ever sheet.
  • On secondary box packing a Product code, Quantity and Size information labels are present.
  • Same of primary bundle of 1000 sheets

Answer: Coated side or the matte side of the film is the printing side.

Answer: It is completely dependent on the user of the film.
Size Standard for Ultranex: With tolerance of +/- 2mm lengthwise & + 4mm to 8mm Widthwise.

Answer: Yes, we strongly recommend that blank pass is the process where film will resize with respect to the oven temperature setting used and will greatly benefit registration in screen printing process. We recommend blank pass temperature @ 165°C for 45 Seconds & Printing of colors @ 135°C ( +/- 5%)

If Single color printing + Powder Adhesive is been done blank pass is not required.

We recommend following settings for Oven:

  • Blank pass or passing sheets without printing from oven to make it dimensionally stable: Temperature 160°C to 170°C for oven time of 60 to 45 seconds respectively.
  • Color printing temperature 135°C to 145°C for oven time of 45 to 35 seconds respectively.
  • Printable adhesive or / & powder adhesive temperature 160°C to 180°C for oven time of 90 to 60 seconds respectively.
  • For single color ink + powder adhesive printing Temperature 170°C to 180°C for oven time 90 to 60 Seconds.
  • Racking of sheets is must if ink is sticky in nature. We recommend do not stack more than 200 sheets in 1 pack to prevent sticking of design on back of above kept sheet.

NOTES for oven drying process:

  1. Oven time = Entry in oven tunnel, till exit from oven tunnel.
  2. It is necessary that printer should know the heat received by the sheets in oven, there may be drastic difference in set temperature of oven as per indicator & Surface temperature of the printed ink or /and sheets. Please check the surface temperature of the sheets exactly at the exit from oven tunnel (With IR temperature sensor gun) to set a SOP of the oven.
  3. Use non color sensitive type IR lamps with air circulation in your oven. For example, medium wave IR lamps (red or orange color light) which will heat all the colors evenly. If IR Lamps are short wave (with a Bright Light) black & dark colors will absorb more heat and sheets will lose their dimensional stability.
  4. Thyristor-based temperature controller is very affective which will control the intensity of the lamp or heater to give consistent heat whereas ON/OFF type Temperature controls will give variations due to the continues ON/OFF cycle.
  5. Brown color Belt is to be used for the conveyor oven because black color belts tend to absorb more heat from the IR lamps and deform the film due to the temperature variations.
  6. At the end of conveyor oven a cooling fan is must be placed so that printed sheets will quickly cool down to room temperature i.e. <35°C. Or a sheet racking arrangement should be there to avoid printed ink sticking to other sheets.

Answer: Yes it can if oven setting are not compatible with the film. Please check above Answer 2.4.

Please check following if problem persists Contact Us.

Root Cause is Film / sheets are subjected to excessive temperature.

  1. Make sure that the oven temperature should not be beyond 180°C.
  2. Check Surface Temperature of the film at the exit of oven tunnel. May be set temperature of oven is right but internal oven chamber temperature is higher.
  3. Check if the Belt used in oven is Black in Color? Use brown color belt. If black color belt it tends to absorb more heat and makes film dimensionally unstable.
  4. It is a possibility that if IR Lamp used in oven are short wave (bright light) & if there is an On / Off function temperature controller in the oven this will give blast of temperature when ON and when OFF temperature is reduced quickly.
  5. Is the Air Circulation on in the oven ON and is it effectively running? Air circulation necessary & helps in equalizing temperature in the oven.

Answer:Root Cause of low hold out is temporary bond between ink and film coating is not strong

1. If single color printing + Powder Adhesive:

  • Check the compatibility of Ultranex Film with the ink type used for printing. Please refer product page. (Product Compatibility Matrix)
  • If Powder Adhesive is PU, always check hold out after 24Hrs, it will increase substantially compared to immediately after printing and drying.
  • Check if the Powder adhesive has melted properly in drying process. It will take 160°C to 180°C and oven time of 90 to 60 Seconds to melt the PU Powder and same or a little lower temp for Co-Polyester powder. (Hold out of final label should be checked after 24 Hours of printing.)

2. If Multicolor Printing + Adhesive + Powder Adhesive:

  • In color printing oven temperature should be 120°C to 135°C for proper drying of ink.
  • After sheet passes through oven a cooling tunnel or a cooling fan is necessary to bring temperature of the printed sheet down to room temperature so the ink crystallized back to solid.
  • Some inks will need racking after passed from the oven, needs to be checked in your production trials. Comment: We have observed in our trials that grade F83SM1/LithoHP has better Anti Blocking properties or sticking back issue can be well controlled.
  • Ink adhesion issue after final printing: Powder adhesive has melted properly in drying process. It will take 160°C to 180°C and oven time of 90 to 60 Seconds to melt the PU Powder and same or a little lower temp for Co-Polyester powder. (Hold out of final label should be checked after 24 Hours of printing.)

Answer: Root Cause is RE size of screen image or substrate (Sheets).

  1. Check1 Check Positives used for exposing screens:
    Keep Positive 1 over other and check registration of positive with reference of print marks.
    ✓ If not remake Positives with exact match in each color.
  2. Check2 Dimension of the screen image with its positive used for exposing:
    Keep positive on the exposed screen area and check if design of positive matches exposed screen image.
    ✓ If not Check screen tension and frame rigidity, it is necessary to have right cloth tension and rigid frame to hold the tension of the cloth in wet and dry condition.
  3. Check3 Is the image / or registration marks printed in earlier color with reference of its positive. Normally Image will shrink against its reference positive due to shrinkage of sheets in drying process.
    ✓ For sheets shrinkage check if the blank pass of the film was done?
    ✓ If blank pass was done, check is printing pass temperature it should be less than blank pass temperature. Refer Question 2.5.
  4. Check4 Check is machine.
    If all above are exact match to each other check stroke to stroke consistence of the machine, machine registration & its registration tolerance
  5. Finally competency of the worker is your worker doing it as above or as required or just trying to doge his incompetency.

Answer: There are several reasons for powder sticking as following:

  1. If any static charge is generated in the sheet / film used for printing. Ultranex Transfer Release film has inherent antistatic properties. This can be evaluated with a simple test as below or with a conductivity meter.
    Simple test: Rub uncoated side of film with a polyester cloth rapidly for 30 to 50 times and hold it over the bits of paper if it attracts these bits of paper static charge is generated and in case of Ultranex it will not generate any charge.
  2. Static charge in the powder. This has to be addressed to adhesive powder supplier.
  3. In thermo powder if there are fine particles less than 80µ they tend to stick and not flow very easily.
  4. Is your Powder Adhesive sticky or out of shelve life?
  5. It can be a possibility if there is a minor leakage from non print area of screen adhesive powder will stick there.
  6. The powder can also stick due to the high moisture content in it.
  7. If application is with a machine check suction pressure or bring suction head closer to sheet or increase suction pressure.

3. FAQ While Transfer of Labels Printed on Ultranex Transfer Release film:

Answer: A well designed machine is a must for best transfers with even pressure and a soft silicone rubber bed. Pressure, Temperature & Time we suggest following range:

  • Pressure: 2 Bars to 5 Bars
    a. Depends on the size of transfers 25mm X 25mm up to 300mm X 300mm pressure and size are directly proportional.
    b. Even pressure at all contact point in the heat press machine is very important and if there is pressure variation transfer will not stick to substrate where there is no or less pressure.
  • Temperature: Normally 140°C to 180°C
    a. Low temperature transfer is also possible where substrate is temperature sensitive but inks and adhesive should be compatible for low temperature transfers.
    b. Highest temperature we suggest 190°C. (But dwell time should be reduced by approx 2 Seconds)
  • Time: Normally 15 to 3 Seconds
    a. As temperature increase time should be decreased.
    b. Transfer parameter recommendation for Tagless or Neck Labels: 8seconds, @160°C, Pressure 2Bars, plate size approx 50mm X 50mm. Hot peel or cold peel as required.
    c. For litho transfers: 12seconds, @180°C, Pressure 4Bars, plate size approx 300mm X 300mm.


  1. 1. Check if there is any stick thing or powder remains on the film or on the top of the heating plate.
  2. 2. Top heating plate has to be covered with Anti Static PTFE cloth. Usually PTFE Black color cloth is antistatic.


  1. Check the temperature, is it very high? If yes, reduce the temperature and check.
  2. Set temperature in machine indicator maybe in the range but also check heated plate temperature with a IR Temperature gun.
  3. Check if the pressure is too high? If yes, reduce the pressure & check.
  4. Check if the bed has a soft silicone rubber pad? It’s important that a sheet of approx 15mm thickness & 30 to 40 Shore A hardness silicone rubber is placed on the transfer base.
  5. Maybe if everything above is right matter should be taken up to ink supplier.


  1. Hot peel is the concept with the garment manufacturer mainly producing lingerie. Where they will need HP for fast production. So normally its applicable to Tagless Labels only.
    Hot Peel is not suggest for big patch prints & also for litho transfer labels.
  2. Hot Peel for Tag less labels printed with Oil based Plastisol inks is never a issue
    • Please check transfer machine settings or just try with some another machine.
    • But still if you have same issue please share some printed labels & mention Lot no & film grade with us and we can give you exact root cause.
  3. Hot Peel for Tag less labels with water based inks : Before producing hot peel labels, Ultranex Grade should be test for compatibility with Ink, Powder adhesive & Process of printing. It majorly fails in water based inks with Polyaziridine based Fixer where mixing ratio is above 1.5% W/W but warm peel and cold peel is unaffected.
  4. Check if the right type of Film Grade is used for type of ink used for printing?
  5. Or Contact Us we will check & try to give you best solution.


  1. Check if the pressure is equal in all touch areas of the transfer pad?
  2. Check if the right type of Film Grade is used for type of ink used for printing?
  3. Do a orientation trials with following range:
    Transfer temperature from 140°C to 180°C.
    Transfer Time 12 Seconds to 4 Seconds. (As temperature increase time should decrease.)

4. FAQ on Buying Transfer Release film:

Answer: MOQ start from 5000 sheets for regular buying but to make trial production we will supply the required quantity.

Answer: Please Contact Us for this information and we will understand your requirements and quote you for right grade as per MOQ required.

Answer: Standard grades for example are F83SM1/Economy, F83SM1/Premium, F83SM1/LithoHP size 480mm X 635mm are kept in stock. If there no stock material produced it can be made available for dispatch in 10days lead time. If a non standard size required there will some MOQ for the order, Please Contact Us for further information.


For F83SM1 series:

  • 500sheets are packed in Poly film then these 500 sheets bundle is packed in the 3 Ply corrugated box.
  • 2 boxes of 500 sheets are packed in woven poly bag = 1000Sheets
  • 25000 Sheets are packed on a Plastic palate.

For F108SM1 series

  • 400sheets are packed in Poly film then these 400 sheets bundle is packed in the 3 Ply corrugated box.
  • 2 boxes of 400 sheets are packed in woven poly bag = 800 Sheets
  • 20000 Sheets are packed on a Plastic palate.

For domestic supplies film can be supplied in 1000 sheets bundle separately.

DTF Printing: DTF printing, or Direct-to-Film printing, is a digital printing process where an image is directly printed onto a special film, and then the image is transferred onto the desired substrate using a heat press. DTF is highly versatile, capable of printing intricate and full-color designs on a wide range of materials, including fabrics, plastics, and more.

Screen Printing: Screen printing, on the other hand, involves creating a stencil (screen) and forcing ink through the stencil onto the printing surface. It is best suited for high-quantity runs and is ideal for bold, vibrant, and long-lasting designs on textiles and other surfaces.

DTF Printing: DTF is highly versatile and can be used on various materials, including cotton, polyester, spandex, leather, and even hard surfaces like ceramics and wood.

Screen Printing: Screen printing is primarily used on textiles, such as t-shirts, hoodies, bags, and banners. It can also be applied to glass, metal, and paper for various applications.

  • High Resolution: DTF offers exceptional print quality with intricate details and full-color options.
  • Versatility: It can be used on a wide variety of substrates.
  • Quick Turnaround: DTF is a relatively fast process, ideal for short runs and one-offs.
  • Durability: Screen printing provides long-lasting, vibrant colors that won’t fade easily.
  • Cost-Efficiency: It’s a cost-effective choice for large production runs.
  • Pantone Color Matching: Accurate Pantone color matching is possible, ensuring brand consistency.

DTF Printing: Yes, DTF is excellent for printing high-quality photographs with lifelike details.

Screen Printing: While screen printing can produce detailed images, it’s better suited for solid colors and vector graphics.

The minimum order requirement for screen printing labels can vary depending on the printing company. It’s best to check with your chosen provider for their specific minimum order details.

DTF Printing: DTF can sometimes be less cost-effective for very large production runs compared to traditional screen printing.

Screen Printing: Screen printing may have limitations when it comes to intricate, full-color designs and small production runs.

DTF Printing: DTF excels at printing on both light and dark-colored fabrics, thanks to its white under-base layer.

Screen Printing: Printing on dark fabrics may require an additional base layer, making it more complex.

Consider factors like the type of material, the desired design complexity, the budget, and the quantity of items you need to print. DTF is an excellent choice for versatility and smaller orders, while screen printing is ideal for large quantities and durable, vibrant designs.

Grab Your DTF Film Now